Duration 14:27

What is autism Autism spectrum disorder ASD AIMS Telugu channel.

703 watched
Published 12 Mar 2020

Hi welcome to AIMS Telugu Channel description of Autism condition in Children is for educational perpose only Autism The spectrum disorder, Autism is a neurological developmental disability that hampers normal brain development, affecting communication, social interaction, cognition, and behavior. Autism is known as a spectrum disorder because its symptoms and characteristics appear in a variety of combinations that affect children in different ways. Some children may have severe challenges and would need help while others may be able to manage their tasks independently, with less help. Earlier, each condition (autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), and Asperger syndrome) was diagnosed separately but now, these conditions are grouped together and are called as autism spectrum disorder. The early signs of autism can be observed during the first three years of a child's life. These signs may vary from being mild, moderate, to severe. Also, the signs may vary from one child to another, and may change as the child grows. A child with severe cognitive impairment and motor skills may also develop epilepsy. However, a specific set of behaviors are indicators of the condition. The following traits can be observed in a child during the physiological and psychological developmental phase. Conditions that co-exist with autism: Other conditions like mental retardation, hyperactivity, motor difficulties, seizures, learning disability, hearing or visual impairment may co-exist with autism. Children with autism may have some of these difficulties: Communication: Have significant difficulties in forming meaningful sentences even when they have extensive vocabularies May repeat words or phrases they hear May repeat actions again and again May use sign language while speaking May or may not learn language for communication Inability to explain their needs, feelings and emotions Inability to interpret conversation, voice, facial expressions, body language Inability to have eye contact when someone is speaking Social interaction: As infants, they may not smile or display any anticipatory posture for being picked up as an adult approaches. Difficulty in learning social skills or interacting with people May not prefer to make friends and instead plays alone. Avoids eye contact Inability to understand feelings or emotions of others around them, due to which they may not reciprocate with appropriate response. Trouble adatpting to routine changes May respond differently to the way things smell, taste, look, feel, or sound Sensory: Difficulty in hearing Sensitive to touch, sound, light, color, taste, smell May be sensitive to certain types of food May be uncomfortable with touch or physical contact ​Behaviour: Difficulty in following instructions or directions Shows unusual attachment to toys, objects, unusual interest in specific activities, obsessed about a specific activity Activities and play are generally rigid, repetitive, and monotonous Not afraid of real danger, but fearful of harmless objects Sudden mood changes: bursts of laughing or crying without obvious reason. Hyperkinesis (excessive abnormal movements due to increase in muscular activity) is a common behavior problem in a child with autism, and it may alternate with hyperactivity. Aggression and temper tantrum are observed, prompted mostly by change and demands. Short attention span, poor ability to focus on a task. The aim of the treatment is to target behaviors that will help the child improve their abilities to integrate into schools, develop meaningful relationships, and to increase the possibility of maintaining independent living as adults. Treatment interventions aim to increase socially acceptable and prosocial (positive behavior intended to promote social acceptance and friendship) behavior, decrease odd behavior and improve verbal and non-verbal behavior. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA):One-to-one sessions are conducted to help the child develop cognitive, social, behavioral, fine motor, play, and self-help skills. The child is taught to work on structured tasks ranging from simple to complex ones. Each task is further broken into sub tasks and the child is taught to learn and complete each sub task at a time. This method uses rewards or reinforcement to help the child learn and maintain desired behaviors and skills. The child's progress is tracked and measured. Types of ABA include: Discrete Trial Training (DTT): This teaching method uses a series of trials to teach each step of a desired behavior or response. Lessons are broken down into their simplest parts and positive reinforcement is used to reward correct answers and behaviors. Incorrect answers are ignored. Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI):A type of ABA for children younger than five or even three years.


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