Duration 8:11

Study Korean & Chinese with me New textbooks | language learning apps | current read in German

17 759 watched
1.4 K
Published 20 Nov 2021

Instagram: https://instagram.com/smarttokki?utm_medium=copy_link ————— Super Chinese app: https://apps.apple.com/de/app/super-chinese-learn-chinese/id1462500984?l=en —————— Divoom pixoo 64: https://www.divoom.com/de/products/pixoo-64?variant=39473700110454 ——————- Korean textbooks and flashcards (code: Tokki) https://sooandcarrots.com/ ————— Master Korean pronunciation in 21 days 💜(Discount code: Tokki) https://sooandcarrots.com/product/hoonies-simple-set-hgh5-stickers/ Paperback https://sooandcarrots.com/product/hoons-guide-to-hangul-paperback/ Ebook https://sooandcarrots.com/product/hoons-guide-to-hangul-e-book/ —————- My current read (code: Tokki) Korean https://sooandcarrots.com/product/browns-romantic-confession/ ————— My Stationery items (pens & notebooks) Discount code: SMARTTOKKI Website: https://stationerypal.com/ Stationery haul: /watch/gSm_dzwSCGVS_ (These are not affiliate links but Codes are) Bgm: Daystar- cherry blossom /watch/8JmOZZeAJJ4AO Daystar- autumn diary /watch/0L2TDMJuYKquT Daystar- sunny side up /watch/MRvg2KNSDOOSg Daystar- sunday afternoon /watch/QNR5fV1aod5a5


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